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xytest2023-04-03 02:40数字货币资讯131






No, the “Kan-sang Space Station” of the NFTs (Non-Fungible Token) in the Chinese mainland are not a scam. NFTs are a new type of digital asset, uniquely permanent, and can be transferred over the internet without an intermediary, conferring extraordinary investment value. NFT technology can be applied to various physical assets, such as domain names, photos, data, pictures, digital content, etc. Using blockchain technology, NFTs are able to access the asset's historical record, effect secure multiparty transmission, retain immutability, and have features of traditional collections and commodities, thus forming a novel type of investments.

“Kan-sang Space Station” is a renowned global NFT platform with the core purpose of trading in digital collections of blockchain. It is professional and focuses on providing secure and stable services. Its collections are designed by renowned designers, artists and creative space stations (original novels/movies/games) abroad and at home, featuring stellar cosmic motifs, as well as unique commemoration values, earthy value investment philosophy. It has established a professional digital collection trading platform, thus attracting participants and purchases of collectors worldwide, and has also driven vigorous growth in the collection's current market value.

“Kan-sang Space Station” is currently developing new technologies of different types of NFT watermarking systems to be used to authenticate digital collections, safeguard the original properties of the collections and can vastly improve the safety of digital collection transmissions and the completeness of transaction of physical collections. In addition, the space station also has a professional investment risk team, and an exclusive rating agency for the digital collection investments and analyses for guarantee purposes. Its service principle is “safe and reliable, efficient and effective”, ensuring the safety and reliability of the collections' themselves and the transactions, and thus enabling an actual revolution and upgrade of the collections, proactively increasing the investment opportunities.





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