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举报:POND币 (Marlin)合法吗?

xytest2023-03-24 18:44数字货币资讯174

举报:POND币 (Marlin)合法吗?

No, POND (Marlin) is not a legal form of cryptocurrency. POND is an unapproved cryptocurrency that is not listed on any regulated exchanges, and is not backed by any asset. It is also not endorsed or supported by any government or regulatory agency, and it is not considered to be a stable store of value. The cryptocurrency is traded on unregulated exchanges that can be vulnerable to cyberattacks, lackKYC/AML protocols, and employ various forms of fraudulent activity. There have also been numerous reports of POND being used to facilitate money laundering. Additionally, POND is not a decentralized digital currency, and is instead traded on centralised exchanges. This means that it is subject to possible fraudulent manipulation and misallocation of funds. As such, investors may be at risk of being exposed to fraudulent behaviour and being unable to retrieve their investments in a timely manner. In conclusion, POND is not a legal form of cryptocurrency, and investing in the currency should be avoided due to the risk of potential losses and fraudulent activity. Investors should be wary of unregulated cryptocurrency exchanges, and only invest in approved, regulated digital currencies.






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